wat happened? i also duno wor.... how to decribe? just one word SUX!!!!
let me see, where should i start with my blog? ok..i sal divide to a few categories...
love life....
so far start uni...yeah..i got no bees around me..walau eh damn sad! maybe its because im old d...not attractive. sien betui :P sorry ya ai ren :P just being honest. to u guys out there, my ai ren okp had been very supportive and also stupid. i grade him these way coz he called me everyday, at least 3 times a day just to chat. im very happy but thinking of $ just make me worry. i cant imagine how much he spent on phone bill d. haizz...like this kenot like that also kenot. does it really worth it? on the other side, he really helped me alot in easing my stress and also loneliness...really very happy..thaks ai ren..muaks muaks.....miss u alot lot lot
the other side of story, today is kok chin bday. yesterday, i bought him a cake and also a present. gave him his fav food as present. it doesnt mean much, just friends between us. i know my own place. i have a wonderful hubby waiting for me ahead and he is the past. many of my friends here didnt encourage me to get him something but still im on it.
next will be my education, so far im stil the same. as lazy as ever. but i got do my assignment and study bit bit lo. now got one subject i felt i have interest in it. business acct. though i have prob with it but i do find it interesting. been working on it. my course paper will never be sien. a few trips will be waiting for me to join...kkakakak
how nice i got trip!!!! dun jealous ya...where to? dunno yet,...but im sure itll be fun.
besides that ive been learning about cruise ships....miss those time when im in cruise...damn syok man!..to all my buddy out there...when we work got $ pls...plan a cruise trip together...wah...i can really imagine we guys on cruise! whole lot fun! yeoh boon kwang, if u r interested u can join us for sure...mayb u will meet ur princess there :P
ok off to other topic...let me c...got wat to update ler?? oh ya..to mich and all......, lye cheng theng and loew aun nee is in uum taking bba n bibm. i met them for dinner yesterday. was shocked to know that boey sze yeng left uni during orientation. she got same course as mine. heard that she beh tahan of uum. lonely and ulu. i felt so guilty bout it. it never cross my mind to find out the geogian ppl and guide them. if i met her during orientation, she would not have left uum. suppose she is looking for a job now...haiz....another boey li wei...is they boey's ppl all like that?
aun nee told me she is a mama's gal wor...then also met a few pfs's scout. they are x atl n asl. kau sai bising lo...talk nonstop and with the pfs scouting n gold fish mouth ideologi.....pok pek pok pek...beh tahan...feelike slapping him....
so far see no leng lui here...pity those ppl in uum...cant cuci mata....lucky i saved uum :P kakakakakkakakkak leng chai here got quite a number also..but all xiao didi...i still prefer okp :P
sien lo...
thesse few days as usuall blur blur....dunno do wat...actually got tonnes of work piling up...but seems i tak mampu digerakkan....miss u all a lot...mich, al , ccn, felix, cmei, tho, and bla bla bla...
tay met her quite often...but she so many lalat sien....s for choo...i come in so long met her once nia...but got phone contact lo....
plan to get myself a printer. order one fr trusted senior, audrey... epson rm 168.
then my hp 6600 dunno got wat penyakit recover d now...pls..feel free to send me mms...
mp3 player no money to buy....okp pls do something.....
wat else on my acct.? these days i din luan luan buy things but dunno why not enuf $ to use. bank + atm = 0.00
dad got give me $ been very generous but seems expenses is increasing...thou each day i only eat twice but still cibai...where's my mony gone...mayb photo notes kua...haizz haizz...need to save...wan go sg and kl.....if want to wait for u guys come uum o thailand....sure got yeras no month....
me now living alone in room. roomate go other college coz she an athlet. m all alone...dun worry me no sked also. my problem is lazy to clean the whole room alone. sien....
next let me see....oh ya...just few days ago, met our long lost fren. mich ur primary sch mate. vincent tan. go add him in my frenster. he is my ex lalat...wkakkakakak proud nya...
so u guys..any updates for gals or guys?
guess cukup saja lah di sini. sorry for my blog is damn boring...but....no choice..u need to read also ma....
al pls stop 'leima leimaing"
terima kasih dan salam mesra
Thursday, July 28, 2005
-oH mY GoD-
Posted by
7/28/2005 05:04:00 PM
Sunday, July 17, 2005
dreadful dREam again!!
yoyoyo!! its me again! still alive in ulu uum. been very busy + lazy for weeks..too much things happened as usual. but lets not ask bout the past...ill let u all know bout wat i dreamt a few hours to go.
hey cmon..read la...not that i got bad dream then i write in tis blog. just so happen that my class cancel so i got the chance to log in. und bo?
ok lets get on with it..i dreamt of my house was on fire. my whole family died including uncle and aunties. left my grandma with me. imagine, i saw and i was carrying coffin. at least 10 of it! i wasnt afraid that time. just stood speechless and stare. didnt even felt a thing. what i felt the most is, my beloved dog "bow" was involved too. it died. i cried and cried. but duno why hor, it suddenly become alive! that dog of mine was in silver colour and black colour head.
walau eh ! damn the dream lo! dunno what kind of dream is that. all i know is that i end up crying when i woke up...
sien....call up okp. he was busy finding resources and discussion with his group. somehow, he curi sometime for me...aiya...the whole process i lazy to write..but least i knew he really care...muaks muaks**
kakkaka so happy....
end of dream chapter.
hey heard that 23 july whole malaysia got mega sales. damn excited but guess me now in condition of mega bankrupt!...haizzz
before i forget nee, i just check shigga's profile, she lives very near me only la...
but so far i guess i hav not met her kua...dun really know how she looks like in real. so if u think she need help can come to me anytime. i will try to help her.specially she lives in the same area as me, everything would be whole lot more easier. kakaka just wanna help nia...specially for u nee...other ppl request for my help i also need time to consider...:P
just for my pal out there, i am now on training to be mpp(majlis perwakilan pelajar) in uum. so far my status is representing the chinese lads in uum. obviously my status is not yet well known or verified. still considering to join o not to join. its gonna be a load of burden and stress. but obviously the benefits in return are great too. haiz...me blur blur case wan, so kinda hard for me to handle. siao** d..not that like rangers or guide. anyway if there's anything update, ill write down here...just for ya to know bout my current dilemma in uum!!!
okla guys..me also duno crap what here. gtg d got group discussion supposingly at 12 but nmow its ald 12.30 :P
miis ya bunch....wait when i kaya i go find u all in pg o ulu long!
p/s: to my ai ren...miss u much and do add oil ya...support you always and hope wil do the same...muaks muaks****
Posted by
7/17/2005 12:07:00 PM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
-fuNny dReam-
Yellow pal, im back! Today im going to tell you all about my dreams. These few days hor…ciak lat..got all sort of weird dreams ive dreamt. Today also very special. I dreamt a begger was fighting with me over my clothes. He wanted to snatch my clothes and we ended us pulling the clothes. That’s the scene I could remember so far. I was awaken by a call from a friend. Phew! Damn ‘heng’ man! Cant imagine I was fighting with a beggar over my clothes !!! Gosh! What a dream !
In the afternoon, I went out with okp to settle some stuff in temple and bank. Forget to wear my charms. I was not very comfortable when I was in the temple. Somehow felt bit relieved he was beside me holding my hand. Later then we went to prangin for a stroll. Knn found a shoe at last! But decided not to buy. Y leh? No money to buy ma. Mich not with me…tak de “umphhh”!!! kakaka. Figured it out that I must control my spending. There are few important things I need to save up for. :P
Dinner together with my grandmother at my house downstairs. Then now ma blogging lo…kakaka..pai sei a…lots of broken languages..i couldn’t help it…so u guys better get used to it! If not..correct for me la…:P
Ok that’s all for today.
-End of everangel report-
Posted by
6/14/2005 08:13:00 PM
-eat all i can-yUmmY-
Today morning me very kuai o…did a lot of housework. Sweep the floor, mop, wash a full basket of clothes! Wow! Impressive or not? Kakaka :P
My plan for the day was to bank in my cheque deposit in maybank. Mana tau okp car broke down! Luckily, theres a mechanic shop just opposite the road. Pity him as he need to pay RM135 for it.
In the evening, we went swimming at permata sport club with tay. Invited yeok tho, chow chuan, chooi mei, yew sean and chin choo along. Tay, okp and I reach at 6.30pm. an hour later, all of us were starving so we decided to go for dinner. As I expected, they just arrived. Yeok tho seems pretty upset as we are leaving. No choice la..stomach grumbling already so we just left. Drop tay at her bf house then me and okp went to a night market nearby. Though it’s a malay’s night market, Gosh ! the food there was damn delicious. Or mayb you could think it another way round. Both of us was damn hungry. We bought 20 stick of satay, kebab, chicken rice, fried koey teow, 10 lekor, a burger, 3 packet of drinks, ermmm…let me see...guess that should be all. :P we end up eating in car coz no place for us to dine at the night market. Walau lau..both of us damn full ! it was kinda fun as both of us just bought almost everything we saw :P almost la…don’t worry..those stuff there are cheap. (malay ma!)
After that, we met up with tho and gang. Ate some stuff again. Don’t want to mention already. Scared u guys will throw up :P
Got somed discussion about our trip to langkawi. The expenses are higher than I expected L not sure whether im able to join them. Trouble trouble. Okp had never been to langkawi so I wish I could bring him along. Haizzz… whatever it is, ill come out with a plan. We planned to go bukit kayu hitam this Thursday. Will be buying father’s day present there. My godpa favourite food.( chocolate) mich no worry, I will help u settle the gift. Just afraid cant celebrate together with your dad as the langkawi trip might clash with father’s day. Sorry L
That its for today….chaos….
Posted by
6/14/2005 08:01:00 PM
Monday, June 13, 2005
-bZ laZy fOr weEks-
heya out there....pai sei long time no update...handphone also no credit...sienzzzz...guess u guys must be wondering what have i been doing lately??!!! KAKAKA it will be a secret :P nah...joking only! u guys got forget bout me d not? din mentioned my name also? except for mich ler...as for cn, pai sei ler..phone nowadays got mental problem. like yesterday nia, mr.ong keng pin duno how to drive wan..make my hp fell down in car...then habis!!! sakit otak my hp :( plan to change hp ler..beh tahan d. so u guys got any recommend? 6230? budget budget....though yesterday got my salary d...but....haizzz.....budget budget....
well..let me see. where shud i start with my so called diary? mmmpphh...before anything else, i would like to WARN mr. felix yeoh for not invading my privacy. i dun mind if u read but please dont spread it around. YES I DO MIND for what u have done! this is the place for me to update my stuff with my buddies. so its gonna b sumthing confidential. pls be considerate. i was kinda pissed off. thats why i din wanna update my blog.ok..i think this shub be enuf...
let me see..got 1 weekend i went to cameron with ken. it was not that cold lo...not like what i expected. nothing to do there also but i enjoy the scenery there. the flowers cactus n stuff was remarkable! kakaka...i dunno how to upload pic over here la...if not i will let u all c...kakaka..ken snap a photo of mine which i very proud of it coz i looked like a model posing :P damn chun man!! kakaka u all dun lau nua ok :P
somebOdy!! teach me how to get my photos uploaded here...;(
one thing i would like to mention is the pasar malam there lo. nothing much to shobut lotsa nice food to eat! wahhhhhh..lau nua nia...i will never forget the food there damn nice! sweet potato and dunno what sort of the delicious mouth watering food! too bad we didnt have the chance to try out the kebab there....so sad....sobzzzzz..... hai...then hor...we so unlucky lor...rain heavily...got umbrella also no use. both of us basah basah like what nia! cold and all wet..fuiyo knn!!! the journey home was indeed takes a long time..damn scary also..knn the driver drive damn fast! feels like the whole bus rolling down several mountains!! sounds bit like bowling?? :P
then go back penang..start working d lo...thanks to cn..abo me sure b a full time security guard at home. muaks muaks* cn only * :p
first day of work was at sunshine square. ken fetch me there.work together ma :P dun jealous oo... start work at 12. dunno sunshine got wat gold inside. customers were waiting outside b4 the gate open. crAzy old ppl! first hour was bit blur. mr wong was late.both us like dumbo nia..dunno wat to do..the CB KNN customers ask so many question...lucky can explain ler..:p
guess what? mr wong leave the place for both of us to handle. walau eh..first day work ..see his face for less than half hour..then blah d...anyhow, our job its just to answer question n distribute flyers nia :P
haiyo..then others i lazy to write d la...last two days, we were working in pisa.property fair. met few sir, teacher n frens la...bzbz lo..another funny thing is both me n ken saw mr teh pang eng..walau both of us quickly turn around and walk away! go hide :P
kakaka imagine both of us doin the same thing upon seeing him. no pakat wan k...:P mr teh taught him fizik in f6. dunno why we turn away also...like scared him eat us :P kakakaka...
k la k la..i guess u guys wont understand much la ...nvm nvm i und can d..let me syok sendiri :P
lots happening things there lo..most of it is happy lor..coz met few ppl whom are very sweet n nice. like miss cheah and joyce. both of them are very helpful n sweet. also knn wan..they can really joke lo..damn funny..enjoy working with them..
i met peter there also lo...not much different on him except in hairstyle. he still a bit dangerous to me lo..:P lucky there got another leng lui..then he go lalat there :p kakakaka joking nia...he is a nice fren of mine..someone cares for me lot ...fren lai...then got a green eye monster there lo:P..... guess mich u know what im trying to say rite ? :P my BUddy* !
then yesterday...our last day of work...we go walk walk lo..met a few ppl in gurney...pai sei nia..dunno why..i feel awkward lo...coz those i met was my f6 fren, cdk gals lo...then mr.okp ex gf was their fren lai....they looked suprise lo...really dun feel good about it...this case kena a few times d...his ex gf i also kenal wan..we were frens lai thats how i get to know him. but pls har...i din use spana k... they broke up a year ago d. being together for almost 4 years...great man! mine the most is 3 years nia. haizz...guess got lots ppl misunderstand kua...dunnolla..imagine got 2 kepo frens saw us nia..they whisper to each other d...walau...imagine how i felt. haizzz
watever it is, nothing i could do. i chose this road on my own. im sure mich gonna support me rite? ill make sure ill stick with my decision and with my mission to concerntrate in my study and uni activities. guys..wish me luck....no more heart break i hope!
just wanna b happy, think positive n look forward in life..
met yeok tho and gang in mount erskine western food. so coincidence! they actually invited me n okp there. too bad we halfway eating d when receive their sms. then together with stan lee( cm sis bf), we discuss bout our holiday trip. so far we plan to go langkawi and pulau paya...wah...about 10 ppl goin excited nia..but my pocket lagi excited!! damn!! work 5 days also not enuf for me to spend! kakaka okok mich n u guys..stop cursing me! :p u all know me la...kaki shopping :P but haiz...so many thing need to pay up...let me list...
house phone bill, hp, first aid box, change hp, get a mp3 player, holidays $$$...debt for frens present..most gigantic wan...okp birthday coming..!!! KNN trouble trouble...need to save $$ d la...abo need to convert my aussie and sg $ again.kinda regret din work lo..hai hai..transport prob pula!! cb cb!! somemore need to go kayu hitam with okp n tho. okp wan go visit uum ma...bo huat...hope i wont nampak anything that my eyes like to see....:P kakaka
okok..wish me luck again....adoi...fathers day present!! shit shit! ..the more i think the more prob. sucks man..okok don wan write d...later i naik gila :P
kakaka not to worry o..ill be fine..just wan grumble nia :P
aiya guess this week cant go clubbing with my brothers all d....paisei nia...they all sure chop me into pieces...sorry ya kwang...:P u all treat me i go ok?:P kakkakaa
mich..al...when u all come back? christmas go sg ok not? miss u all lo..also cn ...those moments are moments of lifetime...i will never forget i bcome a bad gal :P kakaka bunk over at cn house...wah....cn driving skill! wah lau..sked lo....kakaka way to go cnn!!! but really enjoy those moment o.....
don hate me
just love me more each day
Posted by
6/13/2005 12:01:00 PM
Saturday, May 28, 2005
-feLt sO diFferEnt-
Awake by 12pm today. Having sweet conversation with ken last night. Makes me know him more about himself. Hey like u said…we need time to understand each other right?
I felt empty now. Sort of miserable. Been staring at my computer, u know, the stupid uni calendar… I don’t know why, somehow at this moment I am looking for ward for my studies in uum. I had to admit, I do miss uum. I couldn’t recall my happiness with my friends there for now but at least I know they are there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. This goes specially to my room mate shiau fen. Eventhough we had nothing much in common but deep inside I felt the sisterly love. My coursemates…miss them at class and also the stupid worm (Adrian) who always love to make jokes. Next sem if as scheduled we will be in the same group for two subject.
Gosh! Thinking bout subject, im really afraid of business accounting subject. damN! Followed by asas kewangan. I know how horrible + terrible my counting skills are. Anyhow, I need to face it sooner or later.
Suddenly I have this courage and will in my studies . its like a..WAH LAU…not ike me at all. Maybe theres someone who had burn up the fire in me to do something which seems impossible to me all this while. Facing the truth ahead. I need to take care of myself and not relying on others.
I am now listening to lee jiun jie songs. Maybe his songs play a part motivating me. Well to my buddies out there, u know how songs can really change my mood. Listening it oud now. Yet this songs recall back my memories having fun with michelle, ai ling and also sweet little chin nee. Heard that she got a job. Will be starting work on Monday. As for michelle and ai ling…hehe like usual once they get back to kl, we will somesort of lose contact lo… but funny thing is whenever im upset there sure will be a sms o miss call from her. coincidence huh? Well maybe it is maybe not. I don’t know. One thing for sure I know I got buddies out there in kl!! Even 10 years didn’t see her I know we have each other in heart. Way to go buddy! Work hard for a better life ahead in future! I wish I can do it too!! Haha self motivation! GAMbate!!
Posted by
5/28/2005 12:24:00 PM
- unIdEntIfIed mOmeNt Of wArmtH n sEcUre-
Woke up early today even though slept late. Was awaken by my aunt. Got screwed as she need to use house phone which I left it in my room. Obviously im used to all this. Tug back in bed straight after that.
Tay planned to drop by my house today but she didn’t turn up. At the end, ken came over my place. I was a bit nervous as I had nothing to entertain him at my home. However, everything goes on perfectly. We had some talk and I guess he enjoyed watching funny flash on my computer :P phewww….luckily, if not ill feel guilty for being such a bad host! We somehow was close to each other….
he actually wanted me to join his frens for a movie. Unfortunately, theres some misunderstanding lo which made him thought I didn’t wanna join them ..pai sei aaa…actually im ok with it wan :P
we had our dinner at the pulau tikus market. Yummy :)
hey guess what?! On the way to ken’s car, I saw Alvin!! At first I saw bee ling then it was like…owww..thats Alvin beside her. both of them didn’t realize im there I guess as Alvin was facing the opposite direction. Thank GoD they are together an d happy :)
after that we hunt for Madagascar in cinema :P I was kinda regret for not bringing along my jacket. Somehow, in the middle of the show, I changed my mind. was glad I didn’t bring it along :P if not I couldn’t have felt warm n special :) I was very cold at that time..real cold….then I felt warm beside me...not an ordinary warm..its just different and comforting. Warm from someone you can trust on. Truthfully so far I can only trust a few guys whom I know. They are kwang and ken. Reason? well I duno. usually I hardly laid my trust on a guy. believe it o not….but I can really trust them.
Straight after movie, we went for a stroll at gurney. It was short and sweet walk. Having fun talking to ken I am. Actually b4 this I plan to meet up with choo n mei but its just not convenient to join them lo. Dunno la, long long story . better not tell! And mr felix if u want to know, just drop a call and invite me to supper k. I know u hav lotsa leftover credit on ur phone but that’s not the way to use it :P
Actually tis kwang is a nice fren of mine. Someone close and funny but very long winded for a guy lo….aiyo, change a bit la …from the day I know u till now, duno wan say impressive o not…u really din change at all. Cmon Grow up man!!!
Well I really miss those time we out for supper lo. Sorry couldn’t make it with you and pei ling. Wrong timing ma. I really just had Maggie and I wouldn’t want upset my grandma lo. She will b kinda upset :(
Overall today im very happy lo…speacially watching Madagascar…:) I do hope it wont past so fast…as it’s a special movie to me…wont forget! U guys there..its a nice movie! Don’t miss it :p hope every moment ahead will b like tis…..what am I talking about? Only YOU will understand….
p/s my fren told me about her parents stuff today. Was very nervous lo…wonder what impression they will have on me? Hopefully we can get along.
Ok guess that’s for today
bOn vOyage!!
dEvIlInE signing out…..
Posted by
5/28/2005 01:26:00 AM
Friday, May 27, 2005
-unExpectEd pLeaSAnT dAy-
Today is Thursday, never knew much memorable and wonderful day i had. Im now enjoying the darkness alone….watching some glow in the dark sticker glowing on the wall. What a pleasant moment. ..wish someone special of mine could enjoy this perfect moment together….
I woke up at 11 sumthing in the morning. Pei ling invites me to prangin for shopping but I rejected her. was very dizzy lo. Slept at 6 in the morning. Reason?? helping ken to set up a blog n chatting on some Hot issues….then around noon, we went prangin mall to settle an unfinished business. Date miss tay along…its been along time we didn’t hang out together. So much to tell and update for both of us. She managed to click well with ken. Our mission to prangin is to get some accessories for tay’s coming dinner this Saturday. She will be wearing a hot heart pumping sexy dress on that day! Wow…gosh her hubby it’s gonna drop dead! (nose bleed ma!!) we had fun with her there. Imagine how she managed to crap with the promoter in prangin. Way to go happy go lucky Gal!!
Later on we met up with Samuel at gurney and decided to watch house of wax. I actually wanted to watch Madagascar but too bad the preview sneaks is tomorrow. well..i had to say I got no choice other than watch house of wax.
But I don’t regret watching it! It suppose to b a horror movie but I had another special feeling covering up my fear. J miss tay u know wat rite? Ssshshsshshhs
After the show we went to golden horse for dinner. I had spaggethi …..yum yum ..my favourite….
Samuel was another ordinary guy ive met. Mayb we aren’t that close so I could care more to judge him. But I can tell he is a nice guy to b someone’s fren. After dinner me n ken went to beach for a stroll…another heart pumping moment I had there :P..wouldnt want u u guys to know wat had happened! If u really want to know just dial up 0125598996. ill consider on whether to tell ya o not :P
When I reached home, miss tay called me up. We gossips for a while on what had happened and also get a few serious advice from her. my negative mind started to spin and she lecture me about it. I tremble when I found out the difference we had between us.
All of sudden, ive started to miss my buddies out there..pei ling, choo, chooi mei and most of all chin nee, mich, al and yi yiing….couldnt wait to meet yi yiing! There so much for us to share!
Overall I am very happy lo. A very special day indeed. Didn’t know a day without plan can turn out to be a wonderful day…
Posted by
5/27/2005 01:38:00 AM
Thursday, May 26, 2005
-lOng lOst dIarY-
its been so long since i update my blog. was kind of lazy and not in mood. too much things happened in just a nick of time, too much to write, to bare....
i thanked GOD for being so nice to me.helping me whenever i needed it. when i was falling apart, he will shines me thru another way...where i could not find loneliness. most people do not understand this trauma im going thru but i dont give a damn anymore. who really do understand how i felt? few of my buddies mayb....i thanked them for being so understanding. giving me advices,support and was there when i needed u all...sze kuan, al, felix, choo , tay,tokkkie n also sherine....at times u may feel u've done nothing...but honestly, ur present make me felt so much. :) thanks pal..
on my birthday 21st birthday, i was so happy. my frens were there.together with someone whom i tot could b the person for me. and i was wrong. i have been cheated. for my whole life, im afraid of liars....and it happens i met one....how sad n hurt i was. words couldnt express how i felt. all this happen 2 days b4 i leave to australia. my heart was so noisy,not wanting to leave as i don wish to bring along my problems. somehow i did.
first day i stepped into australia...it was a hurtful xperience..i tot things wont b in tis way..and i was wrong. somehow by the end of my trip. i found out time really proved everything. i got the answer to move on with my life. obviously with helps from my frens ( u all know who u are,dont u :)? ) and also my beloved relatives whom are so sweet and warm. giving me the advice and courage to move on. filling my times with activities where i can relax and forget about my troubles. for somehow i din realise what is ahead of me when i go back to malaysia. mayb i was blinded by some devil or even lost.
ken picked me up at the airport. was very nervous as it is our 2cd time meeting each other. somehow we manage to cling along. my first drop was to my godparents house where i can find comfort n relief. michelle is my buddy where NOONe can replace her in my heart. someone who can sense how i felt. supporting me and were there for me no matter what came by me. zI MUI always! ill never forget what u have done for me. at times i admit i didnt express my gratitude having u as my buddy but i do hope u forgive me....... all i could do for u is try my very best to b with u whenever u need me...
i managed to spent most of my time with michelle, ai ling, chin nee( my new found fren) and also ken. thanks for all the support. u guys showed me what i need to face in reality...the way it should be...away from loneliness which is another feeling i fear.
gosh there is just too mush to write. obviously i am not writing things which are too private in here...if u wanna know..ask me ler :P
lets just talk of today...i was cleaning up my room and a VIsitor came by. having plesant time watching some photos. :) then we went for a stroll in prangin mall. imagine ...how many times ive been there in a week? almost 4! but i really had a great time myself....no..im not telling u all in here :P not for now i guess...some privacy needed oo... :P
haha joking nia...actually i dun wan talk much about it. as it really disturb me for thinking of leaving penang on 30 june for uum. ill b back to jungle for my uni orientation week. a separation i need to face n go thru no matter how hard it is. frens telling me not to think much. discourage me from moving on the way i try to choose. i understand why and i don blame them. obviously they just don want me to get hurt. i know that. thanks pal....somehow for now....i took the advice on..just enjoy every moment u have and not to regret it. don think so much. time will prove everything. i admit i easily get attached. blame the zodiac sign THen!! i was told that i fall in love easily..which i hope i am not that type. as it really hurts when u fall. peoples doesnt blif how i manage to get over my past so fast yet move on. hey cmon! i couldnt blif it either! but the fact is this. u may think i was a lame o fool...but thats just me.
different people with different background and life...' know the differences between temptation and love"..ill remember n bare that in mind....
pals....wish me luck....if the road i chose somehow disgrace you...i am so sorry...i need to u to accept me for who i am. im thankfull of having u all..i may not b ur best fren..but ill will never b ur enemy either. as long as u ask ill b there...hopefully i can b someone who u can trust n listen to....:0 im looking forward for a total change in my life once i get back in uni. independant, learn how to take care of myself, especially when im sick...learn how to b alone and most of all learn on how to b true ...waiting for the one......
~xiao long~
p/s.....my fav songs of the month
guang liang~tian tang~
ljj songs!!1
Posted by
5/26/2005 02:47:00 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
-sweet movie day-
chin treat me a movie today. i managed to buzzzzz him over penang.hahaha
was damn stupid! tot its movie day so will only b charged rm 6per movie. who knows its a sneak preview movie. i bought ticket for 615 show. later then remember of the benefit of our student card so i asked if there is a discount. how lucky i am....there is discount only for movie b4 6.00pm! damN it! just 15 minutes later....but no choice. the staff printed out the ticket ald. total of rm18.cis! waste of money.
fortunately, the movie was interesting. worth for my money though! hahaha..went for a stroll in gurney n bought a jacket. hehe happy happie!! nothing much to shop in gurney. most of the shop are under renovation.
so head to my dad's house to pack my luggage for my holidays. went dinner at uncle's restaurant. had a so called candle light dinner with chin. was kinda odd there as most of the workers knew my dad. they keep asking question and i can hardly hear what they are talking. somesort of communication problem. feel awkward to talk after so long. recall my childhood memories where i was very close with them. well time flies! i was 5 years old that time! and now within one day i shall be 21 years old! wala!!!!
wonder how is it gonna turn out to be...not having a nice feeling...haizzzlets not think of it.....
after dinner we went to tay's house for a chat. i called her up when i arrived at her house. Guess what frens? her brother told me she was fast asleep! ^&(^*^(&)80p9!! ask me to go there n she slept. least i get a phone call! i was a bit worried as she told me she needed a shoulder to cry on!! haiz......guess it just my faith! hope she is alright. will get a reasonable explaination from her.if not..i'll slice her!!
got home around 12 something..went for a stroll around and also met yew sean to pass him my dvds .hey don lost it k! handle with care oooo...
guess thats my plain activity.sweet time for me today. managed to chat up for a long time with chin yet i found out that he do care...its just that im far off...er..greedy???hehehe
for me to know for u to find out....
Posted by
4/21/2005 01:45:00 AM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
-a dAy withOut plAn-
wake up at 1 something. grandma woke me up!! don care ...sleep till 3 something coz today i go no plan at all. no point of waking up so EARLY. :P
afternoon choops fetch me to her brother's shop. unexpected activity.lazying over there n have some chat. we actually plan to give chooi mei a suprise to 'sambut' her from work...who knows we get scold. she was fed up waiting for us.me n choops was kinda lost.hehehe
thought of goin for a movie with a kwang and tay. called them up but end up i linger in chooi mei's house. kwang get angry while discussing bout the outing. saying we so troublesome. haizzzz...i also lazy to explain much and i was mad too. it wasn't my fault. not to say i deny it. who want to watch twice the same movie in cinema?? i was broke also. though i love movies but i don find it worth it using my money this way. everytime ask them out for movie also got all sorts of problem. troublesome. i rather not ask. phone bills is on my account somemore. i dunno how can i survive for long! upset!! lets not talk on tis anymore.
i end up stay at chooi mei's house watching series. then yew sean turn up. we went for our favourite hang out for dinner. the 1998 bah kut teh. was not in mood for eating.
reach home around 10.oopm. watch tv again with my grandma and sister. wrote testimonials for a few of my close frens then met lip yong ...my long lost primary frens in msn....he chat none stop...more professional than keng pin. hahaha! guess how is he in shanghai???
well, choops intro me to a new old friend. my OLd here by means is elder. not sure about his background. don wish to know also for now.....
well guess thats it for today pal...my boring holidays....haha lucky got choops to accompany me...thanks ya....
Posted by
4/20/2005 02:40:00 AM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
-lOst in a lOst wOrld-
The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows your flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love
i just finish talking to him....things were getting weird n it upset me...the problems is with me....i dunno how to explain.....
well today as usual i spend my days at home watching tv series....damn boring n restless.....went on9 but found ghost there...:( really dull day..
jeff really called me up to pass movie to me today. unexpected visitor....at 6.00pm my buddies called me up to get a jog in youth park. met heng tee n chee keong there. was kinda release as we had fun n great laugh. tried numerous stance there with choo but still didnt manage to jump over a railing. chooi mei managed to do it again! Bravo my twin Tower!!!
reach home at 8.00pm. stick with the tv till 9 something then..guess what?! my long lost friend twizzzz called. we chat for almost an hour. updating me with her stories n few ofr mine. glad that she is happy n managed to cope up with her life. u go on there Pal!!
chooi mei gave me an aeroplane again. she told to get prepare for bowling tonight. guess she is anxious of her first day of work tommorrow. cant blame her though!
chin choo found a job also.working in a black pearl shop in gurney next week while cm as a clerck in a gold factory...yeah GOLD factory...wish all the best to them in their work. by means left me alone...unemployed. GOsh! wish i could work. out of cash n lack of transportation...how sad....
now me blogging n kinda lonely...noone on9 to chat....haizzzz...miss my pal so much....
anyway i need to stand up for myself n move on to what makes me happy n secure.....to my frens out there...thanks for being there for me...thannks...lotsa love...
Posted by
4/19/2005 02:06:00 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
a boRing n tiRed day.....
woke up very early today.....at 1015am!! was having a headache again...damN! didnt manage to get a good nitezzz sleep, something is just on my miNd...not gonna tell u wats that ! haha....
whole day spend it with my godparents..was helping out with the house chores. my godma cooked curry chicken for me to eat...very delicious....:) if sze kuan is there it will b perfect...just perfect...miss my buDdy so much lor...almost half year dint see her already. she called me up just now as my 2ko played a fool with her...hahaha...was havin fun there....
reach home around 8.00pm. watch kung fu with my beloved grandma....heard her laughing derisively. real happy to heard that. wish she is that happy all the time...
later on i logged on till midnight...spend my time writing a letter or somesort diary....met my little cousin joanna n get to create this new blog. daMn boring...yet tonite lost an msn kaki...he went to shanghai for holidayss....wonder what souvenier will he bring for us ???
Posted by
4/17/2005 11:58:00 PM