Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Lín Wútóng
(1918 – 23 October 2007)
GENTING Founder + the World's Billionaires

Fortune : Self made
Source : Gaming
Net Worth : US$4.3bil / RM14.6bil
204th richest person in the billionaire
(according to Forbes Asia)
Citizenship : Malaysian
Residence : Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia, Asia & Australia
Industry : Gambling / Leisure
Marital Status : Married, 6 Children, 19 Grandchildren
Education : High School
Tan Sri died peacefully at 11.20am on 23 October 2007, at the Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC) after a short illness, his grandson, Justin Leong, said by phone. He left behind his beloved wife Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua, and their six children, Lim Siew Lay, Siew Lian, Siew Kim, Tee Keong, Kok Thay and Chee Wah and 19 grandchildren.
Throughout his life Tan Sri had a few medical crises, among them were a malignant tumour and cardiovascular problems, which he pulled through after several surgeries. He who turned 90 in April this year,was the founder and honorary life president of Genting Group (
Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong was a prominent wealthy Malaysian Chinese businessman.He was able to turned his idea from a unexpllored hilltop on the outskirts of Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur, into one of the world's most successful casino resorts.( He created what is now Malaysia's eighth-largest listed company, with interests in gaming, hotels and cruise lines from the U.K. to Hong Kong.
Recently in December 2006, his company Genting beat rivals to win the project to develop a high-end gaming and entertainment resort on the Singaporean island of Sentosa even though it was the lowest bid $3.4 billion on the table. Plans for the resort include a Universal Studios theme park and a maritime museum. The group began 2007 by breaking into the Macau gaming market through a joint venture deal with the territory's gaming king, Stanley Ho.
Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong was born in 1918 in Anxi, a mountainous county in southeastern Fujian province, China. He is the 5th child in his family. His dad is Lim Shi Quan and his mother Goh Ban. He has an elder brother, three elder sisters, a younger sister and a younger brother. He was named after the parasol tree, considered auspicious among Chinese, by his maternal grandfather, who hoped the name would bring him good fortune.
Tan Sri was born into a rustic environment in a village, during that time, China was in a period of turmoil and unrest after the Xinhai Revolution, but life was relatively sheltered for Lim in the village. He grew up peacefully and had the opportunity of studying in school. However, disaster struck and his father passed away when he was 16. Tan Sri was forced to leave school and being the oldest son, he had to take over the heavy burden of feeding his family.
He started out selling vegetable seeds in China, migrated from China's Fujian province in 1937 at the age of 19 with only a small suitcase and US$175. During the Japanese occupation of Malaya from 1941 to 1945, Tan Sri survived on vegetable farming and petty trading, before switching to dealing in hardware and scrap metal trading, on which he started to build his fortune. End of World War II, Lim benefited from the post-war reconstruction. He bought used machinery tendered after public projects were completed and sold them at higher prices.
Tan Sri, who didn't speak English and had no knowledge of engineering, also ventured into mining and construction. His experience ``and a little layman common sense'' helped him succeed, he wrote in his autobiography. He built Malaysia's only licensed casino, risking his life and facing bankruptcy along the way.
The idea of a hill resort was chanced upon by Tan Sri amidst the crisp air of Cameron Highlands in 1964. He was then working on a hydro-electric power project at the popular hill resort, patronised mostly by British colonials seeking cool refuge from the tropical heat, when he foresaw a prosperous Malaysia of the future desiring a cool mountain holiday resort within the reach of all Malaysians.
In his biography, Tan Sri wrote that the Genting project basically fitted his idea of an ideal business.There is noone was interested in it, which meant no competition. He took the plunge against all odds and held on steadfastly.
The tycoon spent seven years developing Genting, laying a road and building a hotel on a 1,800-meter (5,900-foot) hill outside the city. Failing to lure others to join, Tan Sri invested all his money in the project without getting any returns in the seven years it took to build.
During construction, he almost lost his life at least six times from falling trees, driving mishaps and a landslide. To date, Genting Highlands Resort has five hotels and two apartment blocks at the hilltop and Awana Genting Highlands Golf and Country Resort. Genting, which means ``atop the clouds'' in Mandarin, is a complex of hotels, themed casinos, amusement parks, shops and restaurants. The resort attracts more than 18 million visitors a year.
The company, founded in 1965, has since expanded and diversified from its initial hotel and resort activities to plantations, properties, paper manufacturing, power generation, oil and gas, electronic commerce and information technology development under Genting Group.
The Genting group is constructing Singapore's second gaming resort and includes Resorts World Bhd., which operates the casino in Malaysia. The combined stock market value of the assets, including interests in oil palm plantations and property, surpasses $22 billion, according to the company.
``Besides being a tremendous individual achievement, Tan Sri's success in developing Genting Highlands from virgin jungle into a world-class resort reflects Malaysia's economic progress in the last four decades,'' former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said in his foreword to the tycoon's biography. ``Even without the advantages of higher education, he has proven that nothing is impossible.''
The tycoon had won many awards together with his company Genting Group for his entrepreneurship and his contribution, among them were:
- Malaysian Entrepreneurs Award 1985
- Manager of the Year Award 1986
- Business Achiever of the Year Award 1994
- Number 1 ranking of 10 Malaysian Leading Companies 1996
- The Best Employer Award 1996
He was conferred the title "Tan Sri" by the government of Malaysia on 6 June 1979 in recognition to the contribution he has made to the country. Tan Sri had set up Yayasan Lim, a family foundation that donates regularly to educational and medical institutions, old folk's homes, various organisations for the physically handicapped and other charitable causes.
Besides Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong wrote his autobiography "My Story - Lim Goh Tong" and it was published in 2004. In the book he wrote about his early life, how he started off with nothing to building a world-class casino resort through hard work and perseverance confounding skeptics, and the people he acknowledges.
His contribution to Malaysia will always be remembered by all of us. Let us give ourselves a moment of silence as a prayer to Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong....
Posted by
10/23/2007 05:31:00 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Found this beautiful article from Karen's blog.
I hope you will find ur special 'somebody' soon:)
To MY 'SOmebody' this is dedicated to YOU from me :)
Somebody is very proud of you.
Somebody is thinking of you.
Somebody cares about you.
Somebody misses you.
Somebody wants to talk to you.
Somebody wants to be with you.
Somebody hopes you are not in trouble.
Somebody is thankful for the support you have provided.
Somebody wants to hold your hand.
Somebody hopes everything turns out all right.
Somebody wants you to be happy.
Somebody wants you to find him/her.
Somebody wants to give you a gift.
Somebody wants to hug you.
Somebody thinks you ARE a gift.
Somebody admires your strength.
Somebody wants to protect you.
Somebody can't wait to see you.
Somebody loves you for who you are.
Somebody treasures your spirit.
Somebody is glad that you are their friend.
Somebody wants to get to know you better.
Somebody wants to be near you.
Somebody wants you to know they are there for you.
Somebody would do anything for you.
Somebody is alive because of you.
Somebody needs your support.
Somebody will cry when they read this.
Somebody needs you to have faith in them.
Somebody trusts you.
Somebody hears a song that reminds them of you.
Hold out my hand.
I am always with you;
You hold me by my right hand.
-Psalm 73:23
Posted by
10/22/2007 01:30:00 AM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
HOI PIN KA FOO KA by gary chao
Dau doh yat dau chin sui waan chui fung
ming yat gei chut cheng chi sun
gung jok bat yung pung
sa taan che ga chuk chong yat chong
mong diu booi jek gei cham chung gwaai goh waan chin jun
Chui chui fung sung yat sung
woo nga fei chut tin hung
chui pin hon hon ka foo ka
siu suet yat koi bat dung
chui chui fung sung yat sung
foh che guen guen saan lung
sing fung joi poh long jik chung
Jun ngoh fong goh daai ga
gan ngoh hui fong long ma
chin hei sui fa
hoi bin ka foo ka
bat yiu gai gaau doi ga
gan ngoh hui fong long ma
dui yat dui sa ting yat ting hei ha
lau long do hoi taan ning jing dik hoi
( sa taan... sa taan... )
lau long do hoi taan ning jing dik hoi
mo yung hin gwa
( sa taan... sa taan... )
Sa taan ji jung hoi cha siu booi sam
chuen bo hon dak han sun ngaan
si ngoh jaang daai ngaan
chun fung yat chui bat gwoh yat sun gaan
si doi yi kuk jung yan saan
bat yiu gon si gaan
yat seung seung sa taan jong siu je jam moh ching foo
song faai suet seung yeuk nei jaau goh lui boon maan yau dik yan woo
fa luk luk sa taan jong gam fe sik dik gei foo
yue yeung gwong saai dong jo woo foo
Repeat *
Cheng ga joi hui do ga
gan ngoh hui fong long ma
chin hei sui fa hoi bin ka foo ka
bat yiu gai gaau doi ga
gan ngoh hui fong long ma
dui yat dui sa ting yat ting hei
halau long do hoi taan ning jing dik hoi
( chui chui fung sung yat sung woo nga fei chut tin hung )
( sa taan... sa taan... )
lau long do hoi taan ning jing dik hoi
( chui chui fung sung yat sung foh che guen guen saan lung )
( sa taan... sa taan... )
mo yung hin gwa
Posted by
10/21/2007 04:27:00 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
~ funny mAlaY jokes ~
hillarious ~!~! enjoy it frenzzzz......
>Suami : Kenapa Sayang menangis?
>Isteri: Saya telah baca sebuah buku. Sad
>endinglah bang..
>Suami : Buku apa?
>Isteri: Buku bank abanglah..
>Ada la seorang lelaki datang ke sebuah rumah
>untuk meminta derma. Derma untuk rumah
>orang-orang tua. Seorang budak pun membuka pintu.
>Budak : Derma ape bang?
>Lelaki : Derma untuk rumah orang-orang tua. Adik
>ada apa-apa untuk didermakan?
>Budak : Nanti jap saya ambilkan atuk saya.
>Lelaki : ?????
>3 org menaiki motor dan ditahan polis trafik.
>Namun pemandu motor tersebut tidak berhenti.
>Katanya, 'Tak Muat Dah Tok, Kami dah bertiga!!!
>Orang Asli Dan Polis
>Orang asli : selamat pagi tuan
>Polis : "Selamat pagi"
>Polis : "Apa hal?"
>Orang asli : "Saya nak buat repot tuan"
>Polis : "Fasal apa tu?"
>Orang asli : "Kawan saya di baham harimau"
>Polis : "Pukul berapa?"
>Orang asli : "Dia tak pukul, terkam "
>Polis :"Habis?..."
>Orang asli : "Tak habis, tinggal kepala.."
>Seorang lelaki pergi ke klinik mata. Setelah
>matanya diperiksa, dia bertanya:
>" Doktor, lepas pakai cermin mata nanti, boleh ke
>saya membaca macam orang lain?"
>"Dah tentu, " jawab doktor.
>"Oh, gembiranya. Dah lama saya buta huruf,
>akhirnya boleh juga saya membaca," kata lelaki
>itu dengan riang.
>Sebaik sahaja mengambil tempat duduk di ruang
>menunggu sebuah klinik, Shan terpandang Amin
>sedang menangis teresak-esak. Dia segera
>mendekati Amin.
>Shan : Kenapa menangis?
>Amin : Saya datang untuk ujian darah.
>Shan : Awak takut ke?
>Amin : Bukan itu sebabnya. Semasa ujian darah
>dijalankan, mereka telah terpotong jari saya.
>Mendengarkan penjelasan Amin, Shan pula menangis.
>Amin : Eh, kenapa pula awak menangis?
>Shan : Saya datang untuk ujian air kencing...
>Seorang atok membawa cucunya ke pejabat pos untuk
>menghantar surat.
>Cucunya bertanya bila melihat atoknya memasukkan
>surat ke dalam tong berwarna merah.
>"Atok buat apa tu?".
>"Atok bagi surat kat kawan atok,cu!" jawab
>Cucunya bertanya lagi, "Apa bangang sangat kawan
>atok duduk dalam tong merah tu?"
Posted by
10/20/2007 01:16:00 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
tag TAG tAG!~!~!
Oh yeah x-x got tagged by aL..
5 Things in My Bag
::: purse
::: mobile phones
::: house keys
::: amulets
::: eye drops solution
5 Things in My Mind
::: what work should i apply ?
::: what should i do later?
::: what should i buy first?
::: when will my frens be happy again?
::: how to help my frens?
5 Words That I Frequently Use
::: niaSENG
::: cibai
::: limpe
::: tuLAN
:: pukisssss
5 Recent SMS Received
::: aL
::: miCH
::: chen nee
::: choops
::: ah dear
5 Things in My Wardrobe
::: lingeries(macam-MACAM ada)
::: bottoms(pant-skirts-shorts-pyjamas)
::: jackets
::: socks(long-short-transparent)
::: accessories(earings, necklace, bracelets,....)
5 Things I Last Ate
::: APOM
::: chicken gordon blue
::: satay
::: home made dishes
babi enkau diTAGGED...gang babi sila munculkan diri...
Posted by
10/15/2007 11:34:00 AM