Look at these cuties!! Gosh how I love them…
One of the 5 puppies I found by the road side !! cute lo….beh tahan
This is snowy….siberian husky owned by a fren in singapore
This is a poddle…check it out at chew tian yang’s shop
This hamster really knows how to ENJOY life…..

My favourite TOmyam Maggie at 3rd floor prangin mall...* lau nUa :)~
Malay food at balik pulau rercommend by mr. foo yung chow! he tipu us to Genting at balik pulau for dinner but ended up at this mamak stall....
overall...thumbs up for satay....:) but hor..the food hor...i ate EVERDAY in uum lei ....CHer gong -_-"'
OMG OMG. so cute la all. nvm. last time yin curi perky back oso tat cutie face.
the husky is a super beauty! beautiful.
dats a poodle in CTY? looks like a soft toy nia. LOL!
the hammy sleeps on his food! walau eh!!!
jom nexttime i back we go round round for doggie again :O)
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