a restaurant using myname de......i need a lawyer....
a girl with a few guys in a hotel?? i wonder WATS goin on ?huh??

very colourful....night life in thailand...in fact i find siamese are intellgent n creative dealing with business
www ooooooooooooooooo........the entrance
i have to admit..it is indeed very 'spidery' in there
then i found regke...
anyone noe wat regke means?
someting u can find in Penang...portable petrol station
i was shocked to see this mart! wat else can u think of this mart?
i was shocked to see this mart! wat else can u think of this mart?
here's the 'porn' star....cutie :) :) named ' mimi'
this doggy capture my heart the most :) so cute and innocent ..... muaks :)
thailand style lok lok..
unique bottle
k thats all i want to share with ya all. on my 12 hour thailand trip....hehe...who want to join me for next trip?
Kia, let's go for a trip to Thailand!
omgggggggg! porn star named MIMI!
Great pictures. I also like that dog. Thailand is an amazingly beautiful place. The country still exudes a special charm even as visitors numbers increase as Thailand's tourist industry thrives. Choosing to buy in Thailand property is a smart investment decision. The Thailand property market is set to BOOM from 2008 onward. Prices in Thailand are a fraction of those in Hong Kong & Singapore. Plus the cost of living & quality of life in Thailand is so much better. Places like Phuket and Koh Samui can offer buyers with the hottest property investments in Thailand.
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