Friday, March 28, 2008

My Convocation, 2008

Once you blog, you can't stop!
Here is the 3rd posts in 2 days. Hehe~~ ^.^Y

I am now officially a graduate of UUM Tourism Management Course! Wheee~~~ Yeay!~

Thanks for the Flowerrrrrrrsssssssssssss...

Spot me! Spot me! Spot me!

Miss Lilian Choo and Me!
Best friend forever!!!!~

Best friend forever ya! Gonna miss you very much!!

Why Vingie's legs cross until like that! Haha...


Thanks everyone for attending the convocation!
Your presence really means a lot to me!!

After a tiring day, it's time to unfold all the giftsssssss! Hehe~~

I'm now a super happy graduate, though exhausted. Hehe~ ^.^Y


Eddie said...

congrat on your convo. all the best in your career! and UUM convo cape looks really cool.

nalini said...

last pic says it all lor. memang muka yang kehausan. batchiu chitiau hun! kekekeke

congrats babe! *hugs*

choo said...

congratsSSSSSSSSSSS lam!!!!


happi niaaaaaa....finally we graduated liaooooooooo~~~


dEvIlInE said...

hey all,

really appreciate your presence that day =)

you all so HAM sam yi fu, go there...hahaha okla i plan sui su iisland trip for u all. hopefully la.. hahhaha muakssssssss

cheers ~!~ bardy rocks~!~
i ken leeeeeeeeeeeeee...if libi bidu budu uuuuuuuuu... said...

yeah pun..why my legs crossed till like this!

tao yen~

aL said...

i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu